Tuesday 29 May 2012

Top Keyboard shortcuts every one should know

Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert

Copy the highlighted text or selected item.

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert

Paste the text or object that's in the clipboard.

Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y

Undo any change. For example, if you cut text, pressing this will undo it. This can also often be pressed multiple times to undo multiple changes. Pressing Ctrl + Y would redo the undo.

Ctrl + F

Open the Find in any program. This includes your Internet browser to find text on the current page.

Alt + Tab or Alt + Esc

Quickly switch between open programs moving forward.

Tip: Press Ctrl + Tab to switch between tabs in a program.

Tip: Adding the Shift key to Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab will move backwards. For example, if you are pressing Alt + Tab and pass the program you want to switch to, press Alt + Shift + Tab to move backwards to that program.

Tip: Windows Vista and 7 users can also press the Windows Key + Tab to switch through open programs in a full screenshot of the Window.

Ctrl + Back space and Ctrl + Left or Right arrow

Pressing Ctrl + Backspace will delete a full word at a time instead of a single character.

Holding down the Ctrl key while pressing the left or right arrow will move the cursor one word at a time instead of one character at a time. If you wanted to highlight one word at a time you can hold down Ctrl + Shift and then press the left or right arrow key to move one word at a time in that direction while highlighting each word.

Ctrl + S

While working on a document or other file in almost every program pressing Ctrl + S will save that file. This shortcut key should be used frequently anytime you're working on anything important.

Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End

Move the cursor to the beginning or end of a document.

Ctrl + P

Print the page being viewed. For example, the document in Microsoft Word or the web page in your Internet browser.

Page Up, Space bar, and Page Down

Pressing either the page up or page down key will move that page one page at a time in that direction. When browsing the Internet pressing the space bar will also move the page down one page at a time. If you press Shift and the Space bar the page will go up a page at a time.

Windows 7: Is it possible to Shutdown/Restart your PC in a sinle click?

Is it possible to Shutdown/Restart your PC in a sinle click?

Yes it is possible..

  1. Right click desktop
  2. Select New / Shortcut
  3. Now type in Shutdown.exe /s /t 00 for the program
  4. Name it Shutdown
  5. Now you want to change the icon?
  6. Right click on the icon
  7. Goto Properties
  8. Click on Change Icon
  9. Click ok for the dialogue appears the program does not contain any icons
  10. Select an icon from the list that you want
  11. Click OK
  12. And for a Restart shortcut use Shutdown.exe /r /t 00 and name it Restart

Windows 7 : Create a Shortcut on Desktop to Lock the Workstation

Instead of waiting for a screen saver to begin to lock your computer, you can do this straightaway.
  1.     Right click on an open area of the desktop
  2.     Select New / Shortcut
  3.     For the program, enter Rundll32.exe User32.dll,Lock Workstation
  4.     Rename the shortcut to Your desire name
  5.     If you want to change the icon then you can.
  6.     Right click on the icon
  7.     Goto Properties
  8.     Click on Change Icon
  9.     Click ok for the Dialogue appears the program does not contain any icons
  10.     Select an icon
  11.     Click OK and you are ready to go

Monday 28 May 2012

Top Ways to Make Online Money!!

Thus the human race today where inflation is on the rise while salaries remain the same, every extra penny can be a blessing. Self reliance is considered as an ideal situation, especially among the younger generation is.working time,                   and you're looking for. Parallel or alternative sources of income, so people 
are desperate to find. And as they say 
                           "where is the will, there is a way".        
Indeed, there is one, but several ways you can earn some extra money.
But everyone has a blog, even create a blog as easy as creating a Facebook profile. Maintain a blog, however, is not as easy. Therefore, for such people, many other ways through which they can earn an income.